Generating Carbon Credits Through Our Waste-to-Energy Business
What are Carbon Credits?
Carbon Credits offer a unique market-based solution to one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change. By quantifying monetizing actions that reduce greenhouse and gas emissions, carbon credits create a financial incentive for sustainability.
1 Carbon Credit
1 ton of CO2 avoided/ removed
Technology-Based Solutions (TBS)
Our Waste-to-Energy processes harness technology-based carbon credits to maximise emission reductions. By converting organic waste into valuable energy, we significantly mitigate environmental impacts and generate a lucrative revenue stream through carbon credits. Our integrated approach not only advances global climate goals but also enhances our business model, transforming waste management challenges into profitable, sustainable solutions.
Methane avoidance is achieved in WTE by capturing methane emissions from organic waste before they are released into the atmosphere. This process reduces a potent greenhouse gas (21 times more potent than carbon dioxide), thereby contributing to significant emission reductions which can be quantified into carbon credits.
Methane Avoidance

By converting waste into energy, WTE projects contribute to the generation of renewable electricity. This sustainable energy production displaces the need for fossil-fuel-based power, reducing carbon emissions and generating carbon credits based on the green electricity generated.
Renewable Electricity Generation
WTE process produces clean fuels, such as bio-CNG, which can be used in place of conventional fossil fuels. The production and use of these clean fuels result in lower overall greenhouse gas emissions, which are crucial for generating carbon credits that support the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Clean Natural Gas Generation

Maximise Your Profit with Carbon Credits
Turn waste management into a profitable venture and invest in a sustainable future through carbon credits.
One (1) tradable carbon credit equates to one (1) tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) or CO2eq. Carbon credits are referred to as tradable assets. The issuance of voluntary carbon credits involves the assessment, verification and registration of carbon projects. Once a project meets the required criteria and undergoes a rigorous evaluation process, carbon credits are issued and can be bought and sold in the voluntary market.
The key concepts of carbon credits are:
1. Real, Additional and Permanent
2. Measurable and Quantifiable
3. Transparent and Verified
4. Unique and Traceable
5. Environmental Integrity
6. Permanence and LiabilityWTE processes generate carbon credits through methane avoidance and renewable energy generation. WTE processes capture methane—a greenhouse gas that is approximately 21 times more potent than CO2 in terms of its global warming potential and transforms methane into a valuable energy source.
The price of carbon credits is subject to variation and fluctuation, influenced by market supply and demand, the quality and type of carbon projects, as well as shifts in regulatory frameworks, economic conditions, and other market dynamics.
Our carbon projects comply with the Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) issued by Verra, which is the world’s most widely used greenhouse gas (GHG) crediting program.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)